Finding the coaching style that suits you
You will encounter many different people in life and in finding a coach that suits you, you will notice the same kind of differences. You have to ask yourself what kind of coaching style would fit you. Is it a style that is staying closely to your own personality or do you need something that is completely opposite to what you are used to?
My style
In recent years more and more therapists and coaches have switched from a passive to a more active role of helping and this is something I fully embrace. The goal is firstly to give you insights and tools in how to cope with your current state of mind, and helping you deal with negative thoughts, anxieties and anything else that might be causing you pain. Once in a state where life is a bit more manageable, it is time to go delving into what is at the root of these problems that were causing you all of this anguish.
One of my preferred methods of coaching lies in using the surroundings. I find that in walking in nature, shoulder to shoulder, talking about life comes a lot easier than it does when sitting opposite each other. If you are living in our area, please feel free to ask about the option of walking in combination with coaching.
What can you expect
Of course, reading about this more active style is different from experiencing it. At times, especially in the beginning, the more active role of the coach can come across as a bit confrontational. In trying to find out what is causing your pain and why you have chosen to come for help, some questions need to be asked. Confronting these questions can be uncomfortable at first. Think of the classic example of ripping off the bandaid, when you are done with it you experience immediate relief. The same principle works for this exploration into what is causing your pain. Having an honest look at yourself might sting a bit at first. Luckily, immediately afterwards you can feel a sense of relief that you have confronted this darker side of yourself and that you are now ready to deal with it.
After this initial phase of coaching we can try to find out what is at the core of what brought you to this point. Together with practical tools we can combine managing your daily life with tackling what is at the core of the problems you are experiencing. You will receive hands on help and an open and honest opinion when the situation calls for it.